Sunday Sermon Archive

Sunday Sermons 2021

We record each week's sermon, and you can download them by using the links below. Click on the bible verse to read the passage (this will take you to an external site).

Speaker: Tracy Mayne

Speaker: Martin Wilkes


Speaker: Martin Wilkes

written notes - click here

Speaker: Rev Beth Powney

Speaker: Melody Stephens

Speaker: John Quinn

Written Notes - click here

Speaker: Alastair Wyllie

Sermon Series on Ephesians

30th May to 25th July 2021

Why not read or listen to Ephesians in one sitting to get an overall feel for the letter Paul wrote to the Christians in Ephesus and/or watch the 9 minute video produced by

The Bible Project - Overview of Ephesians

Speaker: Martin Wilkes

Speaker: Martin Wilkes

Speaker: Jamie Wyllie

Speaker: Melody Stephens

Speaker: Tracy Mayne

Speaker: Martin Wilkes

Speaker: Jamie Wyllie

Speaker: Anna Heydon

Speaker: Martin Wilkes

Speaker: Melody Stephens

Speaker: Bishop Alan

Speaker: Martin Wilkes

Easter Sunday - Heroes and Villains

Speaker: Jamie Wyllie

Speaker: Rev Canon Simon Ward

Speaker: Mike Simm

Keep Living by the Spirit