About us
Cliff Park Community Church was 'planted' in 1999 out of two local evangelical churches: Gorleston Baptist Church and St Andrew's Anglican Church. The original 30 people felt God calling them to reach out to the people of Cliff Park with the good news of Jesus’ love for us all. That calling is still in our DNA today. We sum up our mission as being: 'To live and to give the good news'.
Each week we meet together in the main hall of the school. We meet to worship God through singing joyfully, reading the bible together and hearing it explained, and praying for the needs of our community and the wider world. As we gather, we try to be open to what his Spirit wants to say and do among us.
Our worship is relaxed and informal, and we tend to have mostly modern worship songs led by a music group, though we normally include at least one traditional hymn because we like those too. There are no hymn books - all worship songs, readings, and responses are displayed on a screen in large type. We have amplification for the worship leader and people reading or preaching, and also an induction loop for the hard-of-hearing.
There are no rules about sitting and standing - normally the worship leader will indicate this, but you may be surprised to find half of us doing one thing and half doing the other at some points in the service. It really doesn't matter - join in with as much as you feel able to.
During the service our children’s and young peoples’ groups will meet in other spaces in the school. They usually go to their groups after we have been all together for the first song.
Our services last between an hour and 90 minutes. If you need to leave early – that’s fine, feel free! But you’ll find after the service we love to share coffee and biscuits together, chat, catch up, and pray with and for each other’s coming week.
Whether you're on holiday in the area, have lived here all your life, or just moved, we'd love you to join us at one of our Sunday morning services.